Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

A strong resolution

So as I was reflecting this morning, I realized (to my guilt) that I have stopped praying. I mean, yes, I do have a constant communication with Him, but this praying that I mean is something beyond that. It's something I knew more than magic.

Even as a child, I am really into magic. The mystery that it creates into my mind really excites me to the bone. This magic is something that I believe is beyond of the principalities of living in this reality.

I decided to pray until I see everything at work or until He makes me stop doing it.

I know what He can do. I know who He is. And I wanted more.

But what hinders in knowing what He can do, and what I know about Him, and who is the great Him, is me.

You ask why?

Because I stopped praying.

I stopped having a quite time acknowledging His power.

I admit I was discouraged and my head was full of things of the world. Yet what has these things offered me anyway? Neither prospects nor assurance, it didn't gave me. So here I am, trying my best to get in the paradigm shift.

The kind of prayer life whispered to me wasn't just arrow-shot or short-period covered. It really involves more than daily, it seems eternal rather. I mean, I'll be praying for the dreams that I know not just for myself but also for the others.

Crazy as it seems but I find it interesting. I love people who have big dreams like mine and it's a pleasure to see them walk on it someday. I believe dreams are worth the wait. Time passes by yet it won't give a hint whether it is for us or not - unless we seek for it in prayer.

And that's I want to know - I strongly want to pursue. I don't want to forget, so I want it in my system. 

I want these beautiful magic come into life through the lion's breathe.

It's like, I'm secured of the future because of His word yet I need to do something about it. I still can't work on it literally because I'm still a stud, tied up with obligations as the soon bread winner in the family. YET THIS WILL NOT STOP WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY PLANNED FOR ME.

I believe I'm meant to do beautiful and great things with lots of love and joy that would definitely give honor and glory to His name.

So what I'll do about it since it sometimes hurt that much... That it scares me of...





A steadfast spirit to pray and wait for God's affirmation, decline or appeal to wait.

So that's it. 

So, I encourage you, if you've got some big dreams kept in very depths of the tempest of you... do comment here and I will pray for you and that your dream will absolutely be in front of your own eyes. Yet before that, I want you to know about Jesus and why I trust entrust Him everything like He is my confident hope. Everything will not be easy if you decided to get to know Him and how does everything work for Him and in Him and through Him. Yet still, if when your time comes, it is not because it is because I prayed for you nor I am someone who is like a fairy who grants wishes. 

I tell you, NO, I am not. 

It is because JESUS loves you and you are meant for greatness! It is because you believed of what He can do and you trusted of what He will do. JESUS is the answer. He grants everything that you desire in the depths of your heart. It's always the best when His desire meets your desire. It's very securing and assuring to go on with life with a brightest of smile to offer.

So inspire while you can. Even if you've got nothing to give, to offer, or to say. INSPIRE. BELIEVE. GET STRONG. AND LEAD A GENERATION TO JESUS.

Friend, I repeat, you are meant for greatness!

Guysss. My blog is still underconstruction. So please, bear with me. I'm still finding random things that would suit what I'd like to have in this blog. Anyways, thank you for dropping by!

Nothing will separate us from His love

This message came from a very beautiful soul this morning. She's a far away friend yet she's become someone close in my heart. She's a very good friend of my bestfriend, Quenny. I hear lots of amazing and funny and inspiring stories about her. She's Kristianne. A sister in faith. And anothet girl I admire in wit and perception. See her blog at:

I know the same girl at school. She's Jessica. I bet they'd rather fit to really get along when they meet each other in person. When I see her, she's always smiling like there's nothing wrong in the world.

They've got the attitude I wonder why I didn't have. The attitude that could've made any situation in my life seem easier. The attitude that has the ability to warms the late night breeze.

A cheerful soul.

I am a grumpy one. I easily get angry due to time manipulation must be immediate or according to plan. See how stiff I am? Yet I wonder how ironic it is that I can't even discipline myself.

 Anyways... my day was full of reflection, food, decision, reflection, sleep, reflection and tears. I was quite anxious, pressured and intimidated with the world surrounding me. Since Saturday, I was already rebelling against my responsibilities. Running away after another.

I hated myself for the complacency that resulted to low marks in the examinations. I hated that part in me that allows these nervous breaking things happen. It makes me sick and awkward in everything.

Yet this thing happened before.

And my spirit tells me that.

 Yet I cannot comprehend due to I'm already too focused on the: what should've been.

I convinced myself that everything was fine. That everything's still good and it doesn't really matter because I will graduate this school year without delay. Well, it is a fact. An assurance from God.

Yet I broke down.

Then everything seems to throw me a: You are not good enough, never good enough. Fear started to creep in and I tried to keep everything under my control... Under my perception. For a while, I got lost. For a while, I let myself be drifted away by the waves.

This is how I manage myself: I try to be always be alone, yo be always away where neither I can talk nor think.

I didn't attended the Sunday service, I chose not to. Because I want to deal it myself. "No one will help - they can't anyway." Then accusations started to rise and concluded: You are alone.

And from that point, everything seems to fall apart.

Yet still words recalled in my mind: I will never leave you nor forsake you.

In the tempest of my struggle in despair, He showed Himself. His love unfold. His grace abounding; mercy overflowing.

The message from Kristianne started the revolution inside me. The battle was hard yet very beautiful. It was exhausting but so gentle... so caring.

As I seek Him, His messages unfolds before me. It was terrifying to trust... but that is how faith works.

Everything today, I can say, got no escape from God's kindness.

My day ended with a few reminders like:





I was able to watch Nick Vujicic's testimonial gathering in the Philippines. If some of you don't know Him, he's an evangelist who goes around the globe and speak how God changed his life through His very own experience. And take note, he's got no arms and legs. For me, he's a definition if courage and what it takes.

I praise God for all that had happened today. I know it's still a long journey but I know it will help me to become the person He wants me to me. He will carry on on what He's started. It may not be as the situation requires, but He's never too late to rescue. And that's for sure.

Shall not be engaged in any relationship that may impair or presume to impair judgement.

Role of Conduct for Internal Auditors (Objectivity Principle)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

As much as I hate goodbyes, I easily forget. As much as I hate goodbyes, I already took off.

My heart is breaking with fonts I can not have

Ever since last summer, I have an unrequited love...

with these fonts.

Yes, fonts.

You see, spending bucks for fonts are still so heavy for a student like me, and the only thing I can do is just find imitated ones (if there is) yet worse... is grieving into it until I lose my craving for those wonderful and cute fonts.


So these are the fonts that I go crazy for sometime right now:

I'm trying to be in the world where I used to lie awake and just stare and just keep silent and make my hand move, make my eyes wander and make my mind travel into a very deep and wide melancholic dream.

It's so have a deadline on the 25th and I'm quite nervous about it.

Anyways, I'll have to try my best with what I know right?

Wish me all the welfare of arts!

Because I took this Business Ethics subject for granted...

This score sucks -________-
Anyways, I admit that its my fault for taking it lightly... It was so ironic with my goal. Also, doing things half-heartedly with this score, yet having a passing grade (as I computed a while ago) amazed me. Imagine what will become if I give my all.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Anything but ordinary

What's supposed to be a short chat turned to be a good-grief talk

Talking with Toyen pumped me up in doing better. She didn't pressure me, I mean grace over pressure, rather have this hopeful confidence that something great is about to happen... And that requires great effort to meet, not just the equilibrium, but what amazing thing is in stored in my future. It going to be a very challenging battle indeed, for the reward will also be something beyond what we perceived.

Wasn't expecting soul eater to end that fast. hmm -_-

Monday, July 15, 2013

It's funny when you realize that you are not that accepted as who you are, what you are, by those persons you thought would understand.

My bad, another fault in this side...

tsss... another #keepcalmandbigtinafriend moment

It's annoying.

It's terrible troublesome.

Something so much distracting...

Why am I this disastrous?

Well I'm sorry for being loud and selfish...

Sorry for being someone who is not comfortable of teaching...

I'm sorry for being this way...

I'm sorry for being such a disappointment...

I'm sorry if you expected me too much to be walking with a halo...

I'm not that person you think I am...

Yeah, maybe I'm just showing off, a show-off...

So I'm sorry for having no conscience at all.

Why can't I do better?

Ugh~ this sucks...

Really, I'm sorry for being such a disappointment.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

So faithful. So constant. So lovely. So true in everything You do

On stream: You're a god - Vertical Horizon

So, so blessed to have hear those words from someone you know God has anointed.

Actually, I wasn't thinking of taking into it too much because the way I heard it was like: for real?

You serious?

Like, please, don't give me false hopes.

There wasn't any spark inside when Tatay tapped me in the shoulder and spoke those words.

And it just sunk into me , right now...

And I'm feeling like: those words, I'm quite indifferent about it, but can I put my trust on it?

Was it you Lord who spoke?

Can I be confident about it?

Can I Lord?

Because I want too...

And so, just like what happened awhile ago... When those words were spoken out of nowhere... The rain heavily knocked on the rooftops when I asked if it is You...

I feel like the sudden rainfall told me a strong: It is I.

Lord, have it your way...

I'll continue to live in my dreams as you continue to prepare everything for me... As you continue to mold me and I fight for your glory.

O Lord, Yes, Lord! Greater experiences of who You are. I won't be afraid facing trials knowing You are for me, then what can.stand against me?

Let Your will be done, O Lord. And may You be glorified, be exalted by blessing me!

I'll continue to learn to praise and worship You at all times.

Thank You for Your message. That was beyond comforting! Undoubtedly the God of Possibilities! The God who holds the world in His hands!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I feel rejected. Hmmmn.

How's it going?

Next week's preliminary exams!

And guess what...

I haven't been in a serious mode, I mean...

I hate to say this but I'm taking things lightly...

Taking everything for granted...


It's contradicting with what I actually wanted to achieve...


Haha. This is funny.

Anyways, I'm having a part-time job now... I don't know if it's too late but I want one experience before Uni ends.

It's actually an eyesore job but I'm enjoying it.

Yea. I am.


I don't know how it'll help me in the future but I'll be faithful in it. I guess its a practice for me to a good night sleeping habit. I mean creating it all the way again.

You see, I just recovered from flu... Well I'm not sure, but I was really sick.

Another thing...


I'm not bitter. Actually I'm awkward.

There's just something I want to believe in and hold on to even if they have already have motions, notions, rationalizations about it.

*currently listening to Nina Nesbitt's Way in the world