you know, i'm just one of those typical girls out there who are very much aware of dates, i mean the month, the date, the year, okay? you see, i just published a post here and i saw the date. it's November 6 and it's kinda funny because at my place, today's the 7th. i don't know how was it but its really funny. it's his birthday. yes, my first broken♥'s birthday. haha. for sometime now, i want to greet him but there's something that keeps me from doing it. anyways, others think i'm still bitter with the thought about him. but the truth is, i can't come up admitting to myself that i still like him that is why i am bitter. truly, i am bitter about myself, i am bitter with the thought, i can no longer love him anymore, so i protected myself. later then i thought that i've been bitter for already years, i have a crush now and got hurt yet i can't forget about him. well i guess, it's Jesus' work. He made me forget about what happened yet He didn't make me forget of how i feel for the guy because He doesn't want me to hate someone because it's not good. He's truly sweet. anyways,
Happy Birthday Mr. Lowell Don Perez. just so you know, i still like you though not as intense as before. i admire you a lot and cares for you a lot, you may not see me because you were looking away from me for a long time, but i take time to look at how you're doing. i hear some news about you and i'm happy for it. boy, i wish you can read this. i still want to talk to you and tell you i forgive you and 'am sorry. let's be happy and root for each other. i wanna make friends with you and see the boy who plays the drum in their church (for as what i heard, back then you learned to play drums in the church). Happy Birthday again and God Bless.
i don't really have a picture of him. i used to have one picture together with him but that was long ago and it was totally deleted. i really had not enough time with him because we didn't last long and i really wonder why i still like him this long. well we didn't do something nasty, but i think i was just this sentimental. dramatic, isn't it? HAHAHA. i am blessed to know him and all that we went through because, without him, i wouldn't be able to know the LOVE OF MY LIFE - Jesus. ♥ You know, i really wish to know him more. I was praying about that before but one answered prayer was enough i think for there is something i deserve more than it. i am really glad to know God loves to answer prayers and that he prepares everything thing, though it may take a long time but it always turns out to be the, BEST. i really love God. and I really still admire this man. let's keep it a secret 'kay? HAHA.
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