God was with David so Saul developed jealous eyes on him. The more Saul realized that God was with David in everything he did, the more he became terrified and anxious of David.
It's good if you were on David's position, but what if you were on Saul's? Can you be acquitted from all the evil plans you have tried against him? Can you find resolution, a chance to change, when all you are is full of insecurities? (1 Samuel 18, 19)
Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life. So when we find ourselves in the depths of anguish just like Saul's - a terrified and anxious soul, remember to come to Jesus. Because He, Himself testified that no one (else) can have the access into that vacuum we are into except Him, the Father. No one (else) knows the truth about who we really are, what we are going through, how's our day, or where are we today except Him, the Father. And no one (else) can ever have enough courage to tell you constructively the truth of what has become of you, with of course, remedies to offer. (John 14)
Just because Saul ended his life in the old testament in such a hard way doesn't mean he didn't have any reconciliation with God or something. I believe God loved Saul and he didn't want to make Saul do any ridiculous things that's why He decided to let him be in the hands of the enemies.
God is much much much graceful and merciful than before. We are now living in the generation where God loves everyone for every reason! So when we're headed for a fall or we're already knocked down, He'll let you stand and make you continue the journey of life. There's so much more of it and we just have to realize it. No need to decipher any codes behind everything but just simply appreciate how everything works for you.
In the end, God wants us to come back to Him. No matter how bad, no matter how dirty, how coward, how selfish we see ourselves. He wants us back. After all, Jesus came into the world for this very reason - reconciling us with the Father in a very easy way. It might be hard; the enemy whisper lies and you entertain deceits but: Don't let your hearts be troubled, God is to the rescue! He left us the Holy Spirit to be the Advocate of leading us to where we should be really heading, to who's side we should be walking with. And that is beside, side by side, following, being protected, and carried by Jesus.
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