Monday, August 19, 2013

When Saul becomes David

When Saul becomes David.

Previously, I have posted about finding ourselves in the shoes of Saul. And somewhere in the process, we have also found out how gracious and merciful our God looks at us even in the dark, darker, and darkest of us.

Now let us look at that struggle in David's perspective. I believe it's no coincidence that what we are going through can be of 2 perspective. After all, everything is in the Master-plan.

Just as every tear we shed God has a counter plan for it. The same goes with our struggles. Here's a message in a different perspective with what we are struggling:

When God rebukes us, it's painful and we tend to misunderstand what is happening around us. But over all, His message goes down like this: Be faithful even at the least. Makes sense? It's easy to show how we can be faithful and be grateful in great happenings. So God wants (and I guess expects) us to have the same vigor, when facing difficulties. He's got His reasons for our struggles you know.

He wants to get rid of something isn't right in our life right now - mentality, principle, thoughts, actions, etc..

He wants us to pray, to communicate with Him.

He wants us to get back on track.

He wants us to grow spiritually.

He wants us to receive the blessings He wants us to have.

He wants to us Himself under different situation - of how big HE can be.

He wants to tell us: Hey, I am here.

He wants to tell us: I don't care of your past, of who you are, nor how dirty you are.

He wants to tell us: This is how much I love you, child.

Our obedience requisites awesome things! Here's a concise statement of our obedience:

So children of God, let us not be afraid to face the truth to what has become of us. Let's stop deceiving ourselves that we are fine, alright, awesome, or okay. It's okay to admit we are not. It won't hurt if you tell it to anyone. Just like crying. It doesn't mean when you cry over something or someone, you are weak - rather, it means you are brave enough to let go what seems to be controlling you.

When your eyes start to see things like Saul, divert your attention and look up to God just like David. 
Yes, just like David.
You are the man after God's heart.

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