Friday, November 29, 2013

Relaaaaate much~

Many (manga)

The female protagonist reminds me of how selfish I am when it comes to my friends. Seeing it from another perspective makes me think: I think it's cute, not bad at all. But really, this story from Tsutsumi Kakeru is cute. Another oneshot from him, Nekomori, feels: man this is literally cuuuuute.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

For November!

Gray moments

It's been a while, isn't it? 

Christmas is coming.
I am aging.
I sense pimples,
how can i get rid of it?

Time sure runs fasts. I don't know if it's because I'm 21 or I'm just aware of how everything moves around me now as part of the group called adults. 

There are things that I wanted to do, but I just don't know how. And there are things I am expected to do but I don't want to. There are things that by this age, I must've understood. And there are still certain things that I avert my gaze because simply I just don't want to believe. There are also these things that I should do but I wonder why I can't do it. I have plenty of time left for a half season before I end University yet why do I feel something's lacking? Things like these, really burdens me.

You see, it all started when I found out my spiritual gifts and what was His message to me after that. My gifts were not as special as I want it to be. Yet still He told me to get humble. Like, what was that? And everything after that went floating in the sea. Everything seemed to shut inside of me. I felt broken, disappointed, hurt and bad. I am a bad kid after all. I just want to be special 'ya know and that's all.

"Did you even make Me dear to your heart? Have you even separated a portion specially for Me? You are not able to get what you want because You are not even trying to get all of those. You make this picture: You talking to Me while hesitating to cross a line which you, yourself drew.  Did you get it? Child, all this time, I have been listening to you. I have been faithful as you have testified. But aren't you excited to see what else can I give you? I know your prayers but I want you to be devoted in it; tell me specifically, dearly, passionately, what you want. I love you and I withhold nothing to my beloved."

Things dug deeply inside me,
what might those things be?
Hasty malicious human emotions,
you make a lot of hysteric notions.

Like a mad man running,
without looking he fell drowning,
in the pool of sinking mud -
suffocating, it's heavy and dark.

I count one and two and three
and I heard the sharp noise seek.
With a speed faster than lightning,
it hits my heart half-finished beating.

The rest of the moment went gray,
the world stopped and I see decay.
I stared long with skeptic eyes,
I remember the burning dark lies.

Tears from heaven began to gush
I saw a reflection behind the bars
along with the kind speaking wind
I realized it was me on a pint.

While making this poem out of the tempest, I saw this vision of me facing myself. The distance between us was about enough to sense we both are breathing. Then this other person of me moved its hand to close both of my eyes and the other free hand holding my cold hands. That feeling that right after that moment, you know the person holding you. So gentle, full of peace, kindness, love and security. Tears started to warm my cheeks and I mouthed words - pain, sorrow, longing, questions, disappointments, fear, thanksgiving, praise, worship. Undoubtedly, this is Someone your flesh and soul jointly knows well.

And no one can ever do that except Him.

Yes, Him. Jesus.

"Stand on your convictions - guided by the Holy Spirit, crowned with wisdom that comes from the Father, and an abounding love that blossoms from me [Jesus]. Go on, do not be afraid. We'll take things together."