Thank you for being
so, so good and kind
to me
to my family
to my loved ones
Your goodness, Lord
it never ceases
Your steadfastlove
has become
Our Cornerstone
Our Rock
Our Fortress
Your goodness
leads us to Your pasture
where streams of water
the river of life is found
where trees bear fruit
in and out of season
where even in the wilderness
in our rest, in the unlikely
You make us grow
You make us flourish
You never stop blessing
You never stop providing
You never stop leading
You never stop protecting
Not for a minute
we are forsaken
You are a Generous Giver
Your mercy overflows
Your grace fills our lives
New and fresh every morning
Jesus, be glorified!
May You open our eyes to see You, God
May Your strong love hold our weakened hearts
Our hands lifted up in surrender
Our knees are found at the foot of the cross
Lord, you will never let us run dry
You renew us as we wait on You
You rise up our dry souls to live
You remain and called us forgiven
You restore the joy of our salvation
You redeem and call us worthy
God, let us sing of Your goodness
let us sing of Your faithfulness
Even in the valley of shadow of death
We will fear no evil, for You are with us
Surely goodness and mercy
shall satisfy us all the days of our lives
And we will dwell in You forever
Your Spirit in dwells with us henceforth
Lord, I pray for Earl.
Mmm. I know he's not that okay,
I don't know what pains him right now.
But I know you know.
Fight for him, God.
Give him courage and hope.
Hold his hand.
Sing over him your joy and love
You're not letting him go.
As he faces today's reality,
strengthen his core being.
May you give him the opportunity
to work or study (whatever it is, wherever it may be, lead him, God)
to provide for his family
to pay his debts
to work on his dreams
to enjoy himself the fruit of a hardwork
May you give him the opportunity
to work or study (whatever it is, wherever it may be, lead him, God)
to provide for his family
to pay his debts
to work on his dreams
to enjoy himself the fruit of a hardwork
He is a conqueror
He is a mighty worshipper
His beats come from You
May this season serve him
Your very best purpose
and wonderful pursuit
Make his light shine before others
Lord, I pray for BJ
Overtake her with your love
Overwhelm her with your
wonderful grace
Let her sing within her
your goodness
your faithfulness
your strength
that holds us
and keeps us
still and know that You are God
I pray that you heal
whatever is hurting her
I pray that you take her
in the middle of what's confusing her
I pray that you continually
give her wisdom and grace
as she pursues her studies
as she pursues her dreams
as she becomes the woman You want her to be
as she pursues her studies
as she pursues her dreams
as she becomes the woman You want her to be
as she remains in you
as she rests in You
as she rests in You
She doesn't need to fear anymore,
for You have come and spoken,
All things work together for good,
to those who love God.
Lord, I pray for Tinay
I pray that you continually
overflow your joy in her life
May your love continually speak
louder and confidently in her life
I pray that you grant her
the desires of her heart
I pray that you protect her emotions
I pray that you nourish her wisdom
Radiate more and more
your delight for your children
in her life
Her stillness before You
will make her trust You better
will make her and her soul be fully satisfied
For in Your Presence, there is fullness of joy
Lord, I pray for Rachel
May You protect her from
all forms of evil that torments
and keeps her faith away from You
Lord, have mercy on Your daughter
Send your angels to fight over her
every day and every night
from her dreams and even as she works
wherever she goes and whoever she's with
Please cover her with Your blood
She is forgiven
She is set free
She is favored
She is chosen
She is blesses he doesn't need to strive anymore
May her life continually bring people to You
Provide for her, O God
May you able her to provide for debts
May she become a blessing as she desires
May she be able to provide for her family
May she become a living testimony
of Your divine Providence
of Your goodness
of Your faithfulness
of Your pursuing love for us
Lord, I pray for Junjun
I pray that you bless the works of his hands
I pray that you continually lead him to Your will
I pray that you continually anoint him to Your calling
I pray that you help him and his company, God
Protect their livelihood and the workers
from the destruction the the enemy is working on
God make your people fruitful in the land where You have led them
God, I pray that you help Junjun in knowing You better
and in making himself better with confidence coming from You
Thank you for answering his prayers
Thank you for taking him deeper
Thank you because his humility will take him further and deeper to You
Lord, I pray for Eugene
May you guide him in his decisions, God
May you send people to lead him to Your will
May you continually Burn his desire to serve You
May He never lost His love and passion for You
I pray that You provide for him and his family
I pray that You help him with the issues that keep Him
from getting better in working for Your glory
May his life continually be a testimony of
Keep him always to your good will, God.
Lord, You are making us grow
You are making us flourish even in this midst of crisis
You are with us
You are for us
You are within us
One day, we will be celebrating your faithfulness and goodness.
One day, we will be in Your house, fullhouse praising and worshipping You.
One day, there will be no more tears, pain and brokenness.
One day our joy will be full.
Thank you, Jesus.
Amen and amen.
May You protect her from
all forms of evil that torments
and keeps her faith away from You
Lord, have mercy on Your daughter
Send your angels to fight over her
every day and every night
from her dreams and even as she works
wherever she goes and whoever she's with
Please cover her with Your blood
She is forgiven
She is set free
She is favored
She is chosen
She is blesses he doesn't need to strive anymore
May her life continually bring people to You
Provide for her, O God
May you able her to provide for debts
May she become a blessing as she desires
May she be able to provide for her family
May she become a living testimony
of Your divine Providence
of Your goodness
of Your faithfulness
of Your pursuing love for us
Lord, I pray for Junjun
I pray that you bless the works of his hands
I pray that you continually lead him to Your will
I pray that you continually anoint him to Your calling
I pray that you help him and his company, God
Protect their livelihood and the workers
from the destruction the the enemy is working on
God make your people fruitful in the land where You have led them
God, I pray that you help Junjun in knowing You better
and in making himself better with confidence coming from You
Thank you for answering his prayers
Thank you for taking him deeper
Thank you because his humility will take him further and deeper to You
Lord, I pray for Eugene
May you guide him in his decisions, God
May you send people to lead him to Your will
May you continually Burn his desire to serve You
May He never lost His love and passion for You
I pray that You provide for him and his family
I pray that You help him with the issues that keep Him
from getting better in working for Your glory
May his life continually be a testimony of
Keep him always to your good will, God.
Lord, You are making us grow
You are making us flourish even in this midst of crisis
You are with us
You are for us
You are within us
One day, we will be celebrating your faithfulness and goodness.
One day, we will be in Your house, fullhouse praising and worshipping You.
One day, there will be no more tears, pain and brokenness.
One day our joy will be full.
Thank you, Jesus.
Amen and amen.
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