Friday, July 14, 2023

The calling that God placed on your life is so large that you need Him in order to fulfill it. So seek Him everyday, and He'll direct you there.

"God will show you your vision, but never tell you how you're gonna get there. And the reason why, is because your vision is a glimpse of your end. Between the end and where you are is called the plan. The plan is the process that takes you to your destination. God will tell you your end, like he showed Joseph, he showed  Joseph the throne. He's sitting on the throne, ruling, feeding his brothers. That's the end. God showed you your end. He showed each one of you your end. Everybody got a dream. But he never fails to tell you the plan. Why? Because if he ever told you the plan, you would tell him, " Forget the destination." Because the plan is to prepare you for the destination. So He takes you to all these different things to develop you.  If Joseph knew that he has to go through a pit and prison to get to the throne, he'd tell God, "Forget the throne." So your plan is secret to God. Right now where you are maybe not where you want to be but it's part of the plan."

Thursday, June 22, 2023

"Defiance is solved with connection, not correction."

Defiance often pushes a parent's buttons. After all, we're supposed to be in charge, right? Defiance rubs our nose in the fact that we can't really control another person, whether he's three or thirteen unless we use force. And who wants to be that parent?⁠

And when we overreact to defiance, we escalate the battle because force creates resistance, either openly or in a passive-aggressive form. It's ultimately a losing strategy. (You might win the battle, but you'll lose the war.) ⁠
So what can a parent do about defiance?⁠
Kids are defiant for a reason: they feel controlled and pushed around, and they need some positive ways to experience power, autonomy and agency in their lives. ⁠
A defiant child may reject the parent at this moment because they feel disconnected from them. This may mean the relationship needs some repair work, or maybe the child is in "fight or flight" and simply needs some time to move back into regulation so the adult no longer looks like the enemy. ⁠
Punishment only makes the disconnection worse. It feels unfair, creates more upset and disconnection, and pushes kids towards more defiance in one form or another. Defiance is solved with connection, not correction.⁠ - Repost from Laura Markham at

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Heeeeey. It seems like forever since the last time I wrote down my thoughts heeeere. A lot of things happened and I'll try to catch up one of these days. 

See you soonest! <3