Sunday, May 31, 2020

day fifty four

Hi Lord,

Today's another tear-full day. There are things that I still don't understand, things that I don't know, things that I just wanna quit on. But still, thank you for being faithful... for still meeting me even if I turn a blind eye or close my ears from the things that You are showing and telling me.

"Sometimes, you just have to choose yourself and God. Before others. God understands. God will lead you to them, eventually in His time."

Thank you for the comfort. Thank you for hearing me out. Thank you for unearthing all the fears, frustrations and failures that I feel. All at the same time, it numbs and shuts me out. But Lord, you are holding me. Thank you for quieting everything. Thank you for keeping me still. Thank you that all, even my consequences, are leading me closer to you.

I don't bring much this season to you. You see, I'm all broken and shut down. I can't open my mouth. I can't think well. But God, here's my life. Rather than choosing it away, I offer it to you. I know that for how many times, you have heard this from me, and you still take me anyway. And I let go. Let your will be done. Everyday is still kind'a painful for this new normal, but "Whatever happens will be wonderful."

Lord, I'm holding on to Your promises to me, that I will see Your goodness in the land of the living. Help me get through this. I will take this path as you lead and take me by the hand. I will not be afraid. It might be painful for a season but your glory will be revealed through it all. "The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed be Your name, forever!"

God, help me continue this battle. Help me trust in Your Word. Help me love Your people deeper. Create in me a pure heart and renew a right spirit in me. Help me trust in You and lean not in my own understanding. Help me hold on to you more and more. Lord, give me wisdom that I may know that path you are leading me and how to make decisions. Help me process things, God. Help me think safely in the mind.

Lord, I pray for Tin, Alison, James, Mixon, Edel and Janced.
May their desires be granted. May you give them peace as they patiently wait for You.
Bless the works of their hands and protect them in Your loving kindness.
May Your Spirit empower them to be influencers amongst their crowd, their generation.
Let your steadfast love and goodness and faithfulness steady their confidence in You.
Thank you for their lives, O God.
Continually set them free in Your love.
In Jesus' name.

Lord, I pray for Clarisse.
Meet her in her desperation to keep Your commands God.
Speak and encourage her with Your promises.
Give her a good rest tonight God and satisfy her with Your love.
May she find peace in the midst of the pressing desires and rush from the world.
God, have mercy on us. We cried for help and you healed us.
Inside and out, take over.
We surrender it all to you.
We thank you God, for you are good and faithful.
We continue to hold on to You.
We will wait.
We will wait on You.
And as we do, you shall raise us and make us soar like wings like eagles.
We shall walk and not grow tired.
We shall run and not faint.

And I pray for Earl.
Strengthen him. Hold him. Embrace Him. 
Refresh him everyday.
Make him taste and see your faithfulness and goodness!
The Lord God is in his midst, The Mighty One who saves
You rejoice over him with gladness
You quiet him by His love
And You rejoice over Him with loud singing
Surround him with Your favor
Let Your Spirit make him a warrior
and a king You have chosen for Your own.

Thank you, Lord.
Remain unchallenged in our hearts.
You are still enthroned in our hearts.

In Jesus' mighty name.

Amazing grace abounds.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The best is yet to come 🎶

In every season
You're grace has been enough
And I'm believing
The best is yet to come

The cross before me
My hope on things above
And in You, Jesus
The best is yet to come

I know breakthrough is coming
By faith I see a miracle
My God made me a promise
And it won't stop now

day fifty three

I'm falling
Falling at my knees
At Your feet
I surrender 🎶 

Lord Jesus, thank you for today.
Thank you for waking me up. 
Thank you for feeding me. 
Thank you for my family. 
Thank you for protecting them.
Thank you for keeping us safe by night. 

May you bless the works of our hands
and the words of our mouth
May you bless our hearts
that we may overflow with kindness
Lord, bless Ging's marriage
Help her and Aldrin keep it with You
Help them in raising Cara
Guide them in their plans for life. 
Bless May's studies. 
I pray that You keep her 
and her future
from all harm
I pray that you bless her
May You make her dreams come true
Lead her into the best of everything in this life. 
Lord, help me be a sister to them. 
And Lord, help me be a daughter to Nanay and Tatay.
Bless them with good health. 
Bless them with for raising us
and keeping us alive
Thank you for outsourcing them to be our parents. 
May you make them the happiest, God.
Believing and declaring for that day, 
when we will praise and worship You
in Spirit and in Truth. 

Lord, I listened to my prophecy last February
and there are still things that I do not understand
I don't know if it's that the reason why I don't wanna listen to it
Or I just can't seem to fathom how it will happen
You see, I only pray for everything to be okay
bet it's the simplest out there, eh? 
But why does it still seem to be so far?
Lord, you know that I'm risking all my faith, my hope, all that I am
for that very one day
And some days, days like these, it just hurts like hell
To continue
To trust
To surrender
To believe

And as slowly as everything is being taken away
I found myself to be alone with You
with You
but not lonely
it discards my pretend strength
it discredits my longing about everything
it desires nothing but You

Then it makes me realize how small my faith could be
for a simple prayer
for that one single day
was it fear that is keeps me wanting for more?
So now, I wait for that
"I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" 
not just for a day,
but while I'm living
and even if not, 
eternity awaits. 
Where there will be
no more

His glory in the heavens
blesses the earth. 
And we share in His glory
by virtue of Christ Jesus,
by as we live
we get the pursuing beauty
of the Lord's
leading, protection and provision. 
From sunrise to sunset,
From midnight to breaking of dawn, 
He lights everyone He calls His own
It covers even the deepest of the seas
and reaches the very corners of the earth
For darkness is still light to Him
His eyes are set for His chosen
No more hiding
No more shame
No more guilt
His voice is the mightiest
His voice gives rest
His voice is the gentlest
His voice is found in stillness

Your Presence is an open door
We want You, Lord, like never before
Your Presence is an open door
So come now, Lord, like never before 🎶 

Lord, you command the angels to stand watch over me.

The irony of fear

Fear will make you think a lot, 
but it will also make you have strong guts. 

Fear will make you paralyze,
but it will not keep the heart from beating to fight. 

Fear will make you feel less, 
but it will also lead you into the stillness. 

Fear will make you surrender, 
but it will not keep you to go further. 

"Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up."
Fear bends. 
Fear also trembles. 
Fear can't control you. 
Fear knows where it belongs, and not in you. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

day fifty two

Thank you, Jesus for today
Thank you for being
so, so good and kind
to me
to my family
to my loved ones

Your goodness, Lord
it never ceases
Your steadfastlove
has become
Our Cornerstone
Our Rock
Our Fortress
Your goodness
leads us to Your pasture
where streams of water
the river of life is found
where trees bear fruit
in and out of season
where even in the wilderness
in our rest, in the unlikely
You make us grow
You make us flourish
You never stop blessing
You never stop providing
You never stop leading
You never stop protecting
Not for a minute
we are forsaken

You are a Generous Giver
Your mercy overflows
Your grace fills our lives
New and fresh every morning
Jesus, be glorified!
May You open our eyes to see You, God
May Your strong love hold our weakened hearts
Our hands lifted up in surrender
Our knees are found at the foot of the cross
Lord, you will never let us run dry
You renew us as we wait on You
You rise up our dry souls to live
You remain and called us forgiven
You restore the joy of our salvation
You redeem and call us worthy

God, let us sing of Your goodness
let us sing of Your faithfulness
Even in the valley of shadow of death
We will fear no evil, for You are with us
Surely goodness and mercy
shall satisfy us all the days of our lives
And we will dwell in You forever
Your Spirit in dwells with us henceforth

Lord, I pray for Earl. 
Mmm. I know he's not that okay, 
I don't know what pains him right now. 
But I know you know. 
Fight for him, God. 
Give him courage and hope.
Hold his hand. 
Sing over him your joy and love
You're not letting him go. 
As he faces today's reality, 
strengthen his core being. 
May you give him the opportunity
to work or study (whatever it is, wherever it may be, lead him, God) 
to provide for his family
to pay his debts
to work on his dreams
to enjoy himself the fruit of a hardwork
He is a conqueror
He is a mighty worshipper
His beats come from You
May this season serve him
Your very best purpose 
and wonderful pursuit
Make his light shine before others

Lord, I pray for BJ
Overtake her with your love
Overwhelm her with your
wonderful grace
Let her sing within her 
your goodness
your faithfulness
your strength 
that holds us
and keeps us
still and know that You are God
I pray that you heal
whatever is hurting her
I pray that you take her
in the middle of what's confusing her
I pray that you continually
give her wisdom and grace
as she pursues her studies
as she pursues her dreams
as she becomes the woman You want her to be
as she remains in you
as she rests in You
She doesn't need to fear anymore, 
for You have come and spoken, 
All things work together for good, 
to those who love God. 

Lord, I pray for Tinay
I pray that you continually
overflow your joy in her life
May your love continually speak
louder and confidently in her life
I pray that you grant her 
the desires of her heart
I pray that you protect her emotions
I pray that you nourish her wisdom
Radiate more and more
your delight for your children
in her life
Her stillness before You 
will make her trust You better
will make her and her soul be fully satisfied
For in Your Presence, there is fullness of joy

Lord, I pray for Rachel
May You protect her from
all forms of evil that torments
and keeps her faith away from You
Lord, have mercy on Your daughter
Send your angels to fight over her
every day and every night
from her dreams and even as she works
wherever she goes and whoever she's with
Please cover her with Your blood
She is forgiven
She is set free
She is favored
She is chosen
She is blesses he doesn't need to strive anymore
May her life continually bring people to You
Provide for her, O God
May you able her to provide for debts
May she become a blessing as she desires
May she be able to provide for her family
May she become a living testimony
of Your divine Providence
of Your goodness
of Your faithfulness
of Your pursuing love for us

Lord, I pray for Junjun
I pray that you bless the works of his hands
I pray that you continually lead him to Your will
I pray that you continually anoint him to Your calling
I pray that you help him and his company, God
Protect their livelihood and the workers
from the destruction the the enemy is working on
God make your people fruitful in the land where You have led them
God, I pray that you help Junjun in knowing You better
and in making himself better with confidence coming from You
Thank you for answering his prayers
Thank you for taking him deeper
Thank you because his humility will take him further and deeper to You

Lord, I pray for Eugene
May you guide him in his decisions, God
May you send people to lead him to Your will
May you continually Burn his desire to serve You
May He never lost His love and passion for You
I pray that You provide for him and his family 
I pray that You help him with the issues that keep Him
from getting better in working for Your glory
May his life continually be a testimony of
Keep him always to your good will, God. 

Lord, You are making us grow
You are making us flourish even in this midst of crisis
You are with us
You are for us
You are within us

One day, we will be celebrating your faithfulness and goodness. 
One day, we will be in Your house, fullhouse praising and worshipping You. 
One day, there will be no more tears, pain and brokenness. 
One day our joy will be full. 

Thank you, Jesus. 
Amen and amen. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

day fifty one

Jesus, thank You for today.
Thank you for the gift of friendship.
Thank you for the gift of relationship.
Thank you for the wisdom to start business.

Lord, I thank you for proving our needs in the family. 
I thank you for enabling us to work on the dream you had in our hearts. 
Slowly but surely, you have made it possible.
I pray for favor for every transaction that we will be dealing in the legalities. 
I pray for blessing with every account we will be having.
Lord, from beginning to end, the glory belongs to you. 
I pray for protection for our family; that pride nor riches won't break our faith in You
But this will be an altar, a remembrance how You have provided for us the midst of crisis
And you will continue to be faithful and good until the end of time.
It may be small, but we still thank You because You gave us a beginning. 

And Lord, I pray that this crisis will make the best of Your people.
I pray that you birth awakening in faith, hope, dreams and breakthroughs.
I pray that You come through in every area of our life that our joy may be full. 
I pray that You heal our anxieties; that You help and provide for us in times of need. 
Your works makes us joyful; Your wonders and glory makes us feel pursued.
We are not be worthy of Your unconditional love, but God you continously give it.
Siksik, liglig, umaapaw. There's nothing good you withhold from us.

As you continue to prepare for us for Heaven,
for what is eternal, what will last forever, 
no more pain, sickness or brokenness, 
but where Your steadfast love, goodness and faithfulness
where Your glory will remain.
I pray that You lead us, protect and provide us in this lifetime.
Be our Father 
Be our Shepherd
Be our King
Our joy is found in You. 
May we continually and uncondotionally
serve and love one another as Jesus taught us.
Help us trust You 
Help us wait in You
Help us be expectant in You
Help us be reminded that You are our Source 
and there's nothing else, no one else
Help us be pure in thoughts and actions
Let Your Spirit ignite in us, Lord, that we may delight in Your commands
Help us remain in You, 
Give us a heart with full and deep remembrance 
of Your love, faithfulness and goodness to us

You are great and good
You are God
You can do all things, but fail
You are gracious and merciful
You hear our prayers
You are all knowing
You are our final authority
You are sovereign
You are powerful
You see everything
You are the Lord of all seasons
The God of break throughs

Grant us fear of the Lord 
that we may have wisdom 
that we may follow Your lead
And that we may be able to
preserve a generation who will
love, serve and remain in You
with all their heart, mind and soul

May you send your angels to win fight the battles of Your children, God. 
We claim what You have prepared for us to be accomplished in our lives. 
Dreams, hopes, visions, missions - may You will be done. 

All this I pray, 
in Jesus' name,
Amen and amen. 

"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that you joy may be full." - John 16:22-24

day fifty

Thank you, Jesus for today. 
Thank you for waking me up. 
Thank you for a time well spent with you. 

Lord, I thank you for reminding me
that it's all about You.
It's because of You
that I am, 
I am can.
Thank you for your grace
that demands nothing. 
Thank you for your Spirit
that enlightens us of Your good will
that stimulates our emotions a desire to do Your will
and that enables to have the power to do Your will.

God, a lot of times I'm not secured of my relationship with you. 
I realized that I was competing myself with everybody else, 
I was thinking of being replaced if I'm not doing my job well. 
I am afraid that one day, You will get tired and leave me alone.
You see, You're the only One that I have 
and I don't know what to do without You.

They say that this quarantine season exposes our inner being,
and I could not just agree any less.
My anxieties, 
My rebellion, 
My stubbornness, 
My fearful heart. 
My performance tried to matter again more than Your Presence.

God, thank you for reminding me through Your Word in Psalm 92
that though palm trees are in the desert, they still flourish
that cedars, together with other cedars grow, even in the desert
that even in Sabbath, desert, or wilderness, 
You are with us, You lead and You make us flourish and not perish

Thank you for Your command in Psalm 46 that brings comfort
Thank you for You are our refuge where we can run for safety and provision
Thank you for You are our rescue, our very present help in times ouf trouble
Thank you for You are our rest, Your Sovereignty that takes responsibility
All the good and the bad, I know You have it all under Your control
For You are God
You are good
And You are good at being God

I pray, O Lord that You open my eyes of faith
that I may see Your angels, chariots and horses of fire
battle for us, Your people even we're in the midst of a crisis
That I may continually live secured and with peace
God I pray that You still our hearts knowing who You are
May we continually know You deeper in this season
that we may depend and trust you more and more.

Thank you Jesus for Your steadfast love and faithfulness. 
All the glory and honor belongs to You
And all this I pray, in Jesus' mighty name. 
Amen and amen. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

day forty nine

The most important thing at the end of the day is our connection with God.

The other night, Ate Ciara checked on me and told her I'm tired. I wanna have a break in between of the new normal but I seem to be caught up in it. I was thinking "sayang ang oras" ... I was thinking "baka pagod din sila like me, so I have to endure a little more"... I was thinking "Lord, pwede one day na wala ko ginaserve?" I was thinking "Baka I have to go back exercising kasi anxiety attacks again or baka kasi I haven't drinking my med"... I was enduring kasi I'm just confident God is on my side. Little did I know, I got a little far off from where He is na. Then Ate Ciara told me, "My time with God is still the most important than anything else."

Then I realized, it seems I don't know to receive anymore... but I want too... because I need to. I have to live well for the next generation... I want to drop off everything. I hope for someone to be with me in my highs and lows... Someone I can run to, I can pour our with anything and everything with our hesitations... Someone strong I can lean on... 

You see, there's a fault here.

When God calls you, He calls you for Himself alone.
You and Him, before others.
No future to consider. 
No past to resent. 
Just today, this moment, you and Me.

This is what it means to be a child.
You have been watching Cara, right? 
You cherish her. 
You delight at the memory of her. 
You want nothing but the best for her. 
You feed her. 
You love her. 
You keep her safe. 
You talk to her even late at night. 
You make sure she sleeps properly. 
You love checking on her. 
And you just love being with her.

That's what I want to do to you.
No pressure. 
I just want you to listen over me.
My love is not too hard to understand. 
Yes, it is strong, steadfast and relentless. 
Yet is still, gentle and true. 
I don't want you to rush.
I don't want you to receive for others, to get better. 
I want to lavish it to you because I love you. 
With nothing else to gain, with nothing else to give, 
With nothing else in exchange, with nothing else to expect. 

And this is why I pledge my allegiance fully to You. 
This is why there's nothing, no one compares to You.
Your Presence there is fullness, forgiveness, faithfulness. 
Forgive me Lord thinking I can ebb and flow alone. 
Forgive me Lord for thinking I'll be satisfied with someone else. 
Forgive me Lord for thinking your love is found in what I do. 
To my King
To my Lord
Thank you. 
Thank you. 
Thank you 3000. 😭

Your grace leads home. Always. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

day forty eight


Monday, May 11, 2020

"He taught me to wander."

"I used to be worried about everything. 
Things that seemed meaningful were actually meaningless. 
I worried about life. 
I worried about what would happen if I let myself feel again. 
I thought I didn't deserve to. 

Then without really knowing, I changed.

I wasn't worried about what would happen if I lived. 
I was worried about what would happen if I didn't. 
What I would miss.
I worried about not remembering. 
Not remembering all of the moments... 
all of the places...
and that's because of Finch. 

Because He taught me to wander. 
He taught me that you don't have to climb a mountain to stand on the top of the world. 
That even the ugliest places can be beautiful, as long as you take the time to look. 
That it's okay to be lost, as long as you find your way back.

But in learning all of that, I missed something more important...

seeing Finch. 

I missed that he was in pain. 
I missed that he was teaching me all along how to move on. 
Finch was the dreamer. 
He dreamt while he was awake. 
He dreamt of all the beauty in the world, 
and he made it come to life. 

Finch taught me that there's beauty in the most unexpected places. 
And there are bright places, even in dark times. 
And if there isn't, 
you can be that bright place...
with infinite capacities. 

- Violet Markey, All the bright places

"I feel a thousand capacities spring up in me." - Virginia Wolf

Sunday, May 10, 2020

day forty seven

Lord, thank you for the gift of mothers!!
Thank you because they were your first vessels of unconditional love to us. 
Thank you for the beautiful lives of Nanay, Ging, Lola and Titas.
I pray that you continually give them good health.
I pray that you grant them good health. 
I pray that you bless that you bless the works of their hands.
I pray that you bless their hearts to serve, to give, to care. 
I pray that you give them rest and peace ever single day. 
May you speak to them everyday of Your love for them.
I pray for their hearts to receive you, Jesus. 
Thank you for your unending grace to them, for us. 

I also pray for my spiritual mothers and future mothers. 
I pray that you guide them in your gracious goodness. 
I pray that in every season, they spend great time with you. 
I pray that they will never lose friendships to talk with 
and help them through difficult or hard days.
I pray that you continually preserve you beloved, God.
We may be wired differently, but we have our fullness, 
indentity and security in You alone, Jesus.
Thank you because you will fill, satisfy and overflow. 
Thank you because you are our protector and comforter.
Lord, I pray that you grant the desires of these ladies. 
It is my deepest prayer to see them the beautifully glorifying you.

I pray for Sir Ravi, 
Lord let your will be done. 
I pray that you comfort him and his family. 
You have brought a wonderful life in this world, 
and we thank you God for His life. 
I pray that you continue His legacy God
of helping other people be free through your truth
May your goodness be upon him
May you be glorified with his life
Lord, keep him safe in your loving arms
Continually believig for a miracle, God 😭🙏🍂

Thank you, Jesus!!
Amen and Amen. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

day forty six

Thank you for today, Jesus!

Thank you for the gift of sisters at the office.
I pray that you continue to protect Cheeza and the baby.
I pray thay you continually bless Langlang and Mira Jean. 
I pray thay you continually guide Maam Agness, Sir Drew and Sir Gesem. 

Thank you for GSCWD. 
Thank you for my work. 
I pray that you continually protect and bless our office.
I pray that you enlighten everyone of your goodness and faithfulness through this office.
Thank you for using the office as your helping means to your people. 

Thank you for Shemaiah. 
Thank you because her delight is in you. 
Thank you because she's learning to speak up for you. 
Continue to use her mightily in your kingdom. 

Thank you for Lingling. 
Thank you because you are speaking and guiding her. 
Thank you because her obedient her will lead her closer to you. 
Make her radiate even more and let your joy be invincible in her life. 

Thank you for Gee Ann
Thank you for making her grow.
Thank you for making her breakthrough.
Thank you because she will influence greatly in this season you have called out for her.

Thank you for Clarisse
Thank you for protecting her. 
Thank you for taking good care of her heart and soul. 
Thank you because she will become a refined amd genuine diamond for you. 

Thank you for Gina
Thank you for satisfying her, God. And I bless you for blessing her greatly.
Thank you for comforting her and leading her always. 
I pray that you quench her loneliness in her belongingness to You. 

Thank you for Shaira
Thank you for because your glory is shown upon her life. 
God I pray thay you would always meet her in her mind. 
I pray that you continually bless the works of her hands. 

Lord, thank you for the life of the ladies. 
Thank you for making them grow. 
Thank yiu for pursuing them. 
Thank you for making them choose you. 
Thank you because there's nothing I can boast. 
Thank you because it's not all up to me. 
Thank you because you allowed me to journey with them.
Continue to bring favor and protection in their lives, God. 
Continue to heal them. 
Continue to make their dreams come true. 
Continue to make them home. 
Continue to reign in their hearts. 

To our King 👑 
You are glorious
You are good
You are faithful
You are holy

We surrender everything to you, Jesus. 
You deserve it all. You deserve our all. 
In Christ name, Amen. 

Please don't be afraid to hurt me if it's making things right at your end. Don't pity me. I know. I understand. And I appreciate it very much. 😊

And the salt in my wounds isn't burning anymore than it used to
It's not that I don't feel the pain it's just that I'm not afraid of hurting anymore 🎶 

Monday, May 4, 2020

day forty five

Thank you Jesus for today!
It wasn't how I presumed it to be, and so thank God! It's is good!

Lord, thank you for the life of Arej.
I know that your love is mighty for her.
Continue to anoint her with your love and conviction.

Lord, thank you for BJ.
Indeed she's one of your excellent creation manifested.
I pray that you continue to uphold her in your grace.
Be with her always as she continuously pour her heart to you.

Lord, thank you for the life of Tinay.
Thank you for the joy that just overflows within her.
Continue to satisfy and take her hand in your garden.

Lord, thank you for the life of Alison.
Thank you because the your anointing for her is deep and not cheap.
May she continually discover your beauty and grace just for her.
I pray that she will be healed from her trust issues.
I pray that she will not fear anymore.
I pray that she will not hide anymore.
I pray that she will hears and finds you calling and waiting for her.
I pray that you speak to her every day day, every night of your delight for her.

Lord, thank you for the life of Jeff.
I pray that you continue to shepherd him
I pray that you continuously father him.

Lord, thank you for the life of Ate Ciara.
I pray that you continually bless her sphere of influence.
I pray that you will use her mightily upon gathering and speaking to your sheepfold.
I pray that you grant the desires of her heart, O God.
I pray that you strengthen her heart always as she walks with your Spirit.

Lord, I pray for for the life of Rachel.
I pray for her faith to rise as she continuously submits her desires to you.
I pray that you protect her from lies and the schemes of the enemy to destroy her confidence in you.
I pray that you destroy and breakthrough from all that goes against your will for her.

Lord, I thank you for the life of Earl.
Wipe his tears away.
Fight for him.

Lord, I pray for Aya.
I don't know what she's going through, but I hope she comes home to You.
I don't know what to do too, so help me God reach out to her.

And all honor and glory and praises, belongs to you, Jesus.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

"You're okay, Rau."

Rau, it's ok to make mistakes. It's ok if sometimes we hurt the people around us if its an honest mistake or from a rebuke... anything that can better a person. I think, as long as we know the necessary reconciliation, then it's gonna be fine. Trust your relationships. It's not shallow. Sometimes, we just have to dicern if we have to reach out or leave things to be. Talking to people directly involved in the issue can give you wisdom how to act accordingly. Or you can talk to some people you trust, and just ask them to just hear you out. Don't keep your thoughts alone. Else, you'll really die early. And you don't want that. Loneliness reduces human life by 14%, remember? You wanna live longer to serve, right? You still wanna live to love? So please, Rau, take care of yourself. Take care of your mind. As good as God is, His people are too. They can be trusted. They are safe. They are for you. They are not against you. They can handle themselves even if you can't handle yours anymore... That's why they are there, sent for you. They come from God. It's not only Jesus you can rely on. You have your family. You have your friends. They are all sent by God for you, to help you. Let them laugh with you. Let them cry with you, for you. 

Mistakes? Failures? Fear? Pain? One day, everything will just be redeemed. And no more tears to shed. And even as you wait for this day, know that in Christ Jesus forgiveness and healing is available as possible and necessary. No matter how many times. No matter how deep. No matter what it is. He will never run out. His loving kindness is unending. And His throne of grace is available to you, child. Anytime.

You are a child, Rau, before anything else. 
His beloved child. 

"It might be natural to feel demoralized and defeated after your failure, BUT YOU CANNOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BECOME CONVICED THAT YOU WILL CAN'T SUCCEED."

everything is fine. everything is fine. everything is fine. everything is fine. everything is fine. everything is fine. everything is fine. everything is fine.