Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Something great to post for August?

What do you think?


I just realized that I don't have any recent album in facebook. I mean, it doesn't actually matter but you know, photographs tell the whole story, speak words can never describe and emotions hidden in reality.

Things beyond are things over understanding. Full of mystery, thrill and adrenalin. But somewhere, somehow, it feels strange. We become afraid of uncertainty. Just as we have started to walk believing everything is going to be exciting, in small bits it breaks apart.

Anyways, Intramural is coming on the first week of September. Time flies sure fast! And a few months apart from this semester, I'll bid my farewell as a student; and hola big gold world!

I don't know how I'll end myself with a few things. I mean, I want, no, I need to say goodbye to it if I have to say it. I'm not getting any younger you know? There are specially few things that I need to know and be able to do already as a young adult.

I want to be a beautiful blooming flower after I graduate. I want to explore myself in a bigger world. I want to soar higher knowing no limits in life.

Something like that... Only if I could.

I don't know what's in that kind of life that really interests me. I don't want no gold coins no crispy paper dollars for it. It's just that I want to do what I really wanted to do in life without any regrets. I want to live a life leaving the legacy "dreams do really come true" behind. I want people to continue to believe. To have faith. To keep holding into what they believe even if others are dumping every hope you prove to be.

That's how it works for me. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe this is just a wishful thinking but as long as I dare to dream, that this desire still burns inside me, that this hope is never fading, I'll never stop.

If it is in my time, then it is for God's glory. If it is not, it's not that it never or not meant for me, rather, God has a better plan - a greater plan for what I think is already great for me. And I'm looking forward.

I'm joining Dictocomp on my last 1st semester. I don't know about this competition much but it intrigues me like JSDHGIUSHDG - so I'm winning. I'm gonna win. I'm not sure nor confident but all I know is I want to win. It's something I think awesome. 
Loooord, lemme have this ooooooone pretty please?!

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