Friday, March 23, 2012

Stop Slacking~

You know what? Today, I feel like being bribed by God. Wonder how? Wonder why?

Well, let's lay it here 1 by 1.

The hows:
>able to wake up late in the morning
>not scolded by parents
>able to do the household chores properly
>able to watch episodes from vamp-dia
>able to resist from temptation
>being visited by a special friend
>able to get what i want without being scolded

The why?
>the only main reason that I can only see in the situation is this:

Yep, lately, i've been into like, resting without anything to do. I was trying to the usual devotional but i seem to be lazy these past few days. not until this day came. i wanted to devo yet there were a lot of things that distracts me, ya know, those worldly pleasures. however, i realized these things when my friend came for a stop over at our house. well i was watching vamp-dia when she came. we were taking with some unfinished stuffs concerning my concerns.

I've got lots of questions in my head, lots of commotions happening. But what was happening was, me, being so passive, being so WHATEVER. I try to run away from things that maybe a hard to bear for me. I don't like to repeat myself, and that's what other people is making me try to do. Because of an unfinished business with a brother, oh well, my life seems to be somewhat twisted.

Honestly? I don't want to talk to him. Some of his talks were getting into my nerves. I tried to tell him about it but I guess we didn't communicate at all. I'm afraid, things went somewhat harder after that. He wanted to hear what's up with me then BOOM - haven't he heard of what I did say before? Sigh. I guess it's my fault for being a stutter. O_O

Somehow, I've got this prompting in me that I should really talk to him. It's quite a bother but for the sake that everything be settled, let it be done. He's up into something weird that I couldn't understand, he's up into something I wanted to give up. But, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH.

Srsly, this is really something. I'm afraid that this is a test of faith. Yes. This is. The enemy is just waiting for those words coming out from my mouth. He be trying to steal the promises God gave to me with this pride, with this passiveness, with this all none-sense i am doing. Sigh. The prize is already there! I need to reach out.

Remember Rau, that this is a training. You can't just overlook these things. You see it with those eyes what is wrong and right. You are given the wisdom. Now act on it. You are already stepping it, don't back up. Face the facts, face it. Stop running away. You are stronger than you think. God is with you. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. Rau, remember what God is trying to reveal in your group. Do not back down. Do not get discourage. Get up. Rise up. Look up.

Remember to look at your God. Remember that all these things are not for you. You are in service for your MASTER, don't you forget that. Rau, there's nothing in this world that is yours. Stop being a sluggard, make every day a productive day. REMEMBER THAT YOU PROMISED HIM, REMEMBER YOU COMMITMENT. Do not be someone that only hears the Word, be a Doer of the Word. No self-righteousness. No bitterness.

Rau, God is offering you the Spiritual fruit, Go and Grab it! No more laters, start this time - right now, right here. God is with you.

REMEMBER your COMMITMENTS to HIM. You can't just ignore that. He loves you. He treats you more than a servant. He loves you as His daughter, as His child, as His own. Jesus cares for you, you know that. The Holy Spirit is not just with you, but also guiding you to in becoming like Jesus and leading you to what the Father is telling you.

Rau. Do not close the windows of your life. God wants to be in it. Becareful because the enemy has come to Steal, Kill and Destroy. Whatever it is, it would always be the bond you've got with our Father. So wear His complete armor, okay? You wanted His ways and not yours, righ? You want to obey Him, right?

Remember that He loves you no matter what. Remember that He wants you to be joyful. Remember that you already know that. And remember that others want to know about that, that others longs for that LOVE as you longed for it even you already have it in your life.

His love is unthinkable as He is. His ways are just way beyond what we can think. He is just someone so admirable. Do not leave God, Rau. Do not give up because He won't be giving up, let go, and go away. He loves you.

God loves you. Jesus love you. Holy Spirit loves you.^^

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