Sunday, January 26, 2020

day nineteen

Hi Lord

Thank you for today
I was really a mess
It was a total struggle
But thank you
for that night walk
with Rachel
I missed it
My breathers

Thank you for yesterday's
opportunity to play
table tennis
and badminton
I was reaaally happy
to play and get sweaty
with the people i love

Lord, I thank you
for Nanay
for her uncondional
love and service
She will always
remind me of that
love that never gives up
love that is patient
love that is veeeery kind
love that always hopes
for the best

Thank you God for
Your forgiveness
despite my hungry soul
my unfaithfulness
You still came
and spoke to the stars
your comfort and joy

Lord, it's kind'a hard
to move again
I overthink a lot
and it paralyzes me
God, I pray that you
grant me grace
to move forward, 
with direction, 
and be mindful
in my decisions. 
Help me, God to trust
my family,
my leaders
and the people
around me. 
Help me to delight
as I wait on You, God.
I pray for rest for my soul
I pray for Your peace
that transcends all 
understanding, even my
overthinking, to be
upon me. 
I pray for Your grace
to abound. 
God, I choose to obey you. 
It breaks me so deep, 
but I know You will save me.
Holy Spirit, help me. 

Thank you, Jesus
because I am victorious
against these struggles. 
be it's to be like You
than to be like them
because You are
worth it all
because I can rejoice
without asking anything
in return, and just
be blessed
and be happy...very happy
because you have declared
"It is finished."

Thank you, Jesus. 
All this I pray in Jesus' name,

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