Thursday, January 16, 2020

day thirteen

Thank you Jesus for today
Thank you for tonight's rain
Thank you for your faithfulness
to be so so good to me
and the people around me

Thank younfor giving me people
I can be inspired of
getting better, and
loving better

Lord, I thank you for my family
who never fails to start my morning
my home
my shelter
my refuge
my safe fortress
thank you for protecting 
our health
our desires
our present
our future
with Your loving kindness

Thank you for the life
of Charles, Lord
I pray thay you keep
his well being in Your hands
I pray that you will sustain
his joy with Your joy
I pray that You provide 
for the desires of His heart
May your lavish goodness
as His loving Father
open his heart
widely for you. 

Thank you for Clarisse, God. 
Thank you for Your love, 
and grace
that saves and spares. 
Thank you because
this love will empower
her for freedom and healing. 
Thank you, Jesus, 
because it is finished. 
Continue to make Your 
love and forgiveness
be known and be deep
into her soul. 

Thank you for BJ, God. 
For her life that is strong
and beautiful.
You have blessed her
with a good package
of confidence
of discipline
of wisdom
of authority
of beauty
Thank You God because
You will continually
lead her in grace
in love
in the fullness 
of who You are
Bless the works of her being
Bless her radiance
Bless her joy
Bless her
She will not fail. 

And Earl, God, 
Thank you because
You are moving in his midst
Thank you because
you are making him rest
in Your green pasture
Thank you for your discipline
Thank you for leading
Thank you for satisfying
his heart
his soul.
Let Your grace abound 
in his life
Let Your joy be His strength.
Let Your presence win him over. 

Lord, I pray that
for the rest of my days
I get to love You
I get to serve You
I get to enjoy You
I get to honor, my King

Thank you, Jesus! 

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